A self paced DIY transformation programme

Archetype Alchemy

Let’s make effortless empowerment your new signature style

*** Unlock your every day confidence ***

*** Curate your authentic wardrobe ***

*** Turn your wardrobe into a mindset toolkit ***

*** Evolve into the next version of you….effortlessly! ***

*** Say goodbye to fashion frustrations and trends - FOREVER ***


Lifetime access

Create a wardrobe for your personality & lifestyle. Ditch fashion trends and buying mistakes FOREVER

Revolutionise your personal style in this self paced transformation experience designed to empower every woman from the inside out.

Discover how to curate a wardrobe that reflects your personality and lifestyle, ditching the need to follow fashion trends. Embody your authentic self and step out of your bedroom every morning ready to take on the world.

Learn to make confident, intentional clothing choices, investing in pieces that resonate with your essence and elevate your daily presence.

You will craft a timeless wardrobe that evolves with you, allowing you to effortlessly embrace your best self, every day.

With outfits at your fingertips, special occasions no longer prompt stressful shopping trips meaning that you reclaim your wardrobe budget for items that authentically empower you.

I am absolutely loving Archetype Alchemy, I am taking it so slowly, I actually spent a week thinking of the ‘authentic version of me’, in between meetings, out walking, just so thought provoking, I feel a shift already!!
— Valerie H

  • Comprehensive Self-Paced Transformation experience

    Gain access to a comprehensive self-guided program that empowers you to redefine your personal style and unlock your inner confidence. Archetype Alchemy provides step-by-step guidance and practical strategies to transform your wardrobe and rewrite your story at your own pace and on your own terms.

  • Actionable Resources and Tools

    Access a wealth of actionable resources and tools that are designed to support you on your journey of self-discovery and empowerment. From style assessments and wardrobe curation guides to mindset exercises and reflection prompts, you'll have everything you need to create a wardrobe that reflects your authentic self and empowers you to show up as the best version of yourself.

  • Lifetime Access

    Enjoy lifetime access to all program materials, allowing you to revisit and reengage with the content whenever you need a refresher or a boost of inspiration. 

  • Videos Roadmap & Playbook  

    Designed to walk you through the process so you always know exactly where you are on the journey

  • Vision boards   

    These provide endless inspiration and are updated each season. 

  • Lifetime access

    Includes all future updates


The Evolution of You

A live group coaching event where we dive into embodying the next version of you. 

Live group coaching calls :

Session #1 : May 15th 7pm ( Irish time)

Session #2 : May 22nd 7pm (Irish Time)

Don't worry if you cannot make the live sessions. The recordings will be in your Course hub 48 hours after each session. 

Mary has a way of knowing what you need ... before you even know yourself!
— Linda Marshall